Should only be read if you are open to everything changing. A fictional book for those seeking direction.
More →More →Download →Listen →This book is like marriage boot camp. It is the how-to-guide for couples that feel disconnected.
More →More →Download →Listen →"Why do people like you? Is it because you're funny? Loyal? Smart? You've got a pool? Do these things accumulate in your mind like badges, and lead to why you might like yourself?"
More →More →Download →Listen →In this animated short Brené Brown reminds us that we can only create a genuine empathic connection if we are brave enough to really get in touch with our own fragilities.
More →More →Download →Listen →"It's simple", they say.
More →More →Download →Listen →On belonging to yourself and learning to live with a soft front, strong back, and wild heart.
More →More →Download →Listen →"No matter how hard it can be not to compare, you are free to breathe deep and shine on, anyway."
More →More →Download →Listen →Beautiful discussion about the importance of rest, listening to our emotions, and the gift of winter.
More →More →Download →Listen →